Gurdwara Singh Sabha I 10 Grant Street I Bradford I West Yorkshire I BD3 9HD I 01274 743728

 About Gurdwara Singh Sabha 

 Gurdwara Background

Gurdwara Singh Sabha was originally a former pharmaceutical production factory and was bought and converted into a Gurdwara building. Further improvements were made in 1996, where a second storey extension and new staircase was constructed. 

Since moving into the current building it has become evident that the sangat attended Gurdwara Singh Sabha is increasing steadily and the existing Gurdwara building is becoming too small and lacking the appropriate facilities to cater for them. The need for new, larger facilities and a refurbishment of the existing building, prompted an extension to be given the go ahead. Events such as weddings and sikh camps could in the future be comfortable held at the Gurdwara with the new extension and facilities.

Building construction was completed in 2012. Visit the Projects page for more information.

Registered Charity Number: 1040638

Gurdwara Singh Sabha, Bradford, © 2010-2018. All Rights Reserved. 

 Gurdwara Etiquette 

The Gurdwara is a place of worship so the following etiquette should be observed when attending:

  • Meat or intoxicants (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs etc.) are not permitted on the Gurdwara premises.
  • Heads should be covered at all time (head coverings are available in the entrance foyer).
  • Shoes should removed before entering the Divan or Langar Hall and placed in the designated areas.
  • Dress modestly when attending the Gurdwara.